VR Browser for Reddit for PC

Virtual Reality content explorer for Reddit (unofficial)
Rating: 4.0 (80%) - ‎29 votes
Downloads: 1,000+

VR Browser for Reddit for PC on Windows 10/8.1/8/7 & Mac Laptop

VR Browser for Reddit is a News & Magazines app developed by BigPictureSoft. The latest version of VR Browser for Reddit is 1.116. It was released on 2023-12-27. You can download VR Browser for Reddit 1.116 directly on AppforPC.net. Over 29 users rating a average 29 of 5 about VR Browser for Reddit. More than 1,000+ is playing VR Browser for Reddit right now. Coming to join them and download VR Browser for Reddit directly!

Description of VR Browser for Reddit

Browse your favorite subreddits in Virtual Reality with Splash VR. Surround yourself with latest world news, cutest cats, dankest memes and plenty of various other high quality and interesting stuff that can be found on Reddit.
Developed for Daydream (you need Daydream VR to run this app)

• Infinite Scroll of awesomeness
• Manually entered subreddits
• Immersive zoom for images
• Swipe between posts
• Themes (two themes) and customization
• Brightness control to save your eyes.
• Pitch angle control
• Login: saved, liked, vote, subscribtions
• YouTube videos and Imgur albums opens in corresponding apps
• Content filters (you can block NSFW and/or 86% of politics)
• Gifv support
• Three-dimensional comment tree (child comments placed a bit further. Nothing special)
• Three environments options (one of which is absence of environment)
• Mildly comfortable virtual chair (gray).

Changelog / What's New

Minimalistic controller pointer style allows for better immersion without any distraction (some pointed out that it is immersion killer when, for example, laser pointer goes through the armrest of the armchair). Fixed head tracking issue on loading.
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Download VR Browser for Reddit for PC on Windows 10/8.1/8/7 & Mac Laptop

To be clear about download process of VR Browser for Reddit for PC, it is not available directly from the web. As of now, the app developer have made it available for only Android Platform. To enjoy using it on your PC device, installation of Android Emulator is mandatory.

For doing all these things on your Computers & Laptops, you need to download VR Browser for Reddit for PC/Laptop with Operating systems Windows 10/8.1/8/7 or Mac.

There are two ways of downloading this app on Laptop/PC. Use anyone, NOX App Player or Bluestacks for this purpose. As both of them support APK installation, you just need to install them on your Desktops and Install com.BigPictureSoft.splashVR-v1.116-AppforPC.net.apk file with it so that you can enjoy VR Browser for Reddit services on PC using NOX or Bluestacks. I will explain both methods here; you can choose anything you want.

As I was telling earlier, in this post, I will demonstrate two procedures, let’s see the first method of downloading VR Browser for Reddit for PC using Bluestacks emulator.

Install VR Browser for Reddit for PC Windows using BlueStacks

  1. Firstly, You should install Bluestacks Software on your Computer or Laptop. Click here to download bluestacks for PC. (Note: Come back to this post once you installed bluestacks correctly)
  2. After Bluestacks, now, you must download .APK file of VR Browser for Reddit. Click here.
  3. Open the Bluestacks App already installed on your PC/Laptop. In the left-hand corner toolbox, you will find an option of Add APK. Load the APK file using the option on the Bluestacks. Click on that.
  4. It will ask about the location where you have kept the downloaded APK. In my case, I have kept it on Desktop, so I am selecting that.
  5. It will now automatically install the application on Bluestacks. You will find the VR Browser for Reddit on applications tab on the main screen of the Bluestacks window.
  6. Now, you are all set to use VR Browser for Reddit on PC. Here is the VR Browser for Reddit successfully running on my PC after installing and clicked on the app.

Now, we should discuss the installation of VR Browser for Reddit on PC using NOX App player. You can use this method if Bluestacks method is not working properly on your Laptop or Computer.

Install VR Browser for Reddit on PC Windows using NOX App Player

  1. First of all, you must download Nox App player – https://www.bignox.com, click on the software to start installation on your Computer/Laptop.
  2. Now, download APK file from here.
  3. After installation, open the NOX player. In the right-hand side corner toolbox, you will find an option of Add APK. Click on that option.
  4. Select Don’t show again and click on I know.
  5. You have to choose the APK from the downloaded location. As I have saved it on the desktop, I choose from there. (If your downloaded file is in Downloads area, select the .APK from there itself)
  6. Nox will automatically install the Application. Open it from the home screen of Nox app player.
  7. You will then be asked about if you want to change your location from ‘Worldwide’ to any particular location. Initially, choose Later option.
  8. Now, you are ready to use the App with some pre-existing website links embedded in the App.
  9. Note: Use ESCAPE to come back to the home screen or else you can use the symbols to operate VR Browser for Reddit app on PC NOX app player.

We feel that you will not get any hitches while downloading the App through the suggested ways. If you do encounter some problem, do share it with us.

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